Hello. My name is Christopher Silva.  I am a writer, a musician, and a media designer.
It's often said of highly composed or intricate musical performances, that it is the notes that are not played that are just as important as the notes that are played in terms of the tastefulness and accomplishment of the performance.  What do you want to say through your messages and content marketing campaigns?  What don't you want to say? 

Listening is one of the most important parts of my creative process. By listening first, I get to hear what my team and I will eventually re-express through mediums like graphics, video, websites, animation and other types of memorable media output. I leave a consultation session feeling energized, with a refined understanding of who my clients are: what their values are, what they hope for, what they dream of and even what it is that they are afraid of!  With better understanding comes a greater ability to express the client's ideas and to author and compose media that will present a clear message that is delivered with the style, wit and energy best suited for a brand's identity and audiences.  

With over 15 years of experience as both a media producer and as a marketing consultant, I have provided my clients with the focused business development ideas, branding guides and marketing strategies they've needed to succeed while simultaneously delivering and publishing my signature media for their advertising channels, web designs, and promotional campaigns.  I work closely with a tightly knit group of design creatives and digital experts who help me to ensure that every aspect of a project has the proper resources and personnel necessary to execute it effectively and with measurable results.  This is an invitation.  It's an invitation to conversate with me.  This is an invitation to create new business relationships based on trust, transparency and shared experiences in pursuit of our passions and legacy building futures.
Christopher D. Silva | Founder and Principal
design company in charleston sc
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